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Sending and Receiving CKB via Opera’s Android Wallet
Nervos Network
5 min read · Feb 22, 2022--
Written by community member The Nervos Doc
Opera Browser is one of the leading browsers in the world. They recently added to their wallet the Nervos Network blockchain, unlocking transactions with CKB directly from the Opera Wallet.
In order to understand why Opera Browser integrated Nervos Network, we need to go through the basic concepts first.
What is a blockchain wallet, how does it work, and why does a browser need to have integrated wallets and access to blockchain?
A blockchain wallet is a pair of 2 keys made of numbers and sensitive case letters. 1 key is public (the one you can share with the rest of the world in order to receive CKB), while the other is private (you shall NEVER share the private key with anyone). The private key is the one that unlocks your RIGHTS over the funds associated to the public key.
Historically, the private keys on the first Bitcoin wallets were not cryptographically secured through a seed phrase, so there were no means to backup your private keys on any wallet directly on blockchain like we are doing today. Later on, with the adoption of BIP 39, the 2048 words seed phrase took the place of the written by hand/paper wallets. The seed phrase can come in 12/18/24 words, that are in a certain order. This ORDER, combined with the high number of words in the pool create a VERY HIGH security against hacks (hence the saying “your keys, your wallet”). The same model was later adopted on most future blockchains.
Browsers have a simple task, that is very hard to achieve. Giving you the most relevant information based on a minimal input. They work like a librarian, that must know all the sections in his library, all the authors by age, height, color of eyes, all the characters in their respective art, and give you the closest result, almost instant, based on the minimal information that you provide.
As technology evolved from Web 1.0 (reading on the internet) to Web 2.0 (writing and reading — social media), we can see before our eyes the shift to Web 3.0. The monetization part of the Web 2.0 is a very important aspect, but is very centralised. The need of a new type of Web that combines the reading, writing, and finance gave birth to the Web 3.0 concept.
Web 3.0 is the reason Opera Browser chose to create an integrated cryptocurrency wallet right on top of their browser, and made it compatible with Nervos Network’s CKB. They are preparing for the future, because the future is Nervos.
In order to start using Opera Browser, you will simply need an Android phone, with internet access. Simply go to Google Store, type “Opera Browser”, press on the result and press “Install” like in the following picture:
After the download and installation process are completed, open the app in your menu. You should see something like this:
On the lower right corner, tap on the highlighted button. A new window will pop up shortly. Press on the red area: “Crypto Wallet.”
In the below image you can choose 2 things: either create a NEW wallet if you do not already have one, OR choose to restore a wallet if you have your seed phrase. Lets choose “Create new wallet.”
NOTE: you can generate seed phrases on other wallets and still be able to use the same seed phrase (and thus, have the same wallet) on Opera Browser.
This is the main page. You can see the active cards at the top (by default, Bitcoin and Ethereum). In the upper right corner there is a wheel that leads to “Settings”. Press it.
THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP IS THIS: BACKUP YOUR WALLET. Write the words in the respective order on 2+ pieces of paper. Keep them safe, in different locations. If you have big bucks, you can invest in stainless steel plaques to store your seed phrase. NEVER KEEP ANY COPY OF YOUR SEED ON ANYTHING ONLINE (PHOTOS, CLOUD, NOTEPAD, etc)
Now, you should go back to the default Menu. Press on „Manage Cards”. In order to be able to see and use the Nervos CKB, check the next to Nervos Network. This will activate the Nervos card on the main Menu. Press Save.
Here, you can see your Nervos Network Card. You can either receive, or send CKB. Press “Receive”. You should see your PUBLIC ADDRESS that can be copy pasted, and given to anyone without any worries. The worst thing that can happen in this scenario is you getting some CKB and them losing some =).
Note: the public address has a corresponding QR code. You can share that instead of the string of letters and numbers, with the same effect. (this is a more secure way, being an airgapped transaction)
If you pressed “Send” instead of “Receive” on the previous page, you will see something like this. Just put the person/institution PUBLIC ADDRESS in the recipient zone. Enter the amount of CKB that you want to send to that address. (the corresponding amount in your chosen currency will also be displayed). Press “confirm” and the transaction goes through.
You should be good to go. Now you can transact CKB on your Opera Browser wallet on your Android phone. In the future, the Dapp ecosystem developed by Nervos will be easily accessed from the Opera Browser. Until then, always remember to keep your CKB in YOUR wallet. Not your keys, not your funds.
Thank you for reading! Peace out!
~NervosDoc (DrMODOC)
Nervos Network Nervos Ckb Opera Opera Browser Android--
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